Our Supporters

The T10Q project is being co-ordinated at the University of Oxford within the Department of Plant Sciences as part of a wider research project looking at science-policy relations in forestry.

We are working with partners from organisations with an interest in forest and woodland for the T10Q phase. We are grateful for the support already received and would welcome more partners in the project.

Who will participate?

Individuals from a range of organisations who have an interest in forest and woodland in the UK and Irish Republic. We are amalgamating existing networks of contacts of key forestry organisations to create a loose community of actors who can all participate in the surveys which feed into the Workshop.

Why participate?

Organisations invest a great deal in creating and maintaining their own channels of communication to fulfill their institutional remits. There are well-established means of looking at questions of research and policy within rapidly changing environments. This project is not driven by a belief that existing structures are failing; rather it is offering a neutral platform for debate by groups who may not currently engage with each other or who would like a different way of communicating and sharing ideas about what is considered important in forestry for the short-, medium- and long-term.

There is growing awareness that one of the key factors inhibiting science flow into policy is the way in which questions are framed. Can the distributed method of question framing which we will explore in this project tell us anything new about the types of questions we could be asking?

Offsetting this survey?

There is increasing interest in carbon offsetting for projects as well as for individuals and businesses. At present offsetting is outside the scope of this particular project. We can, however, commend to you a remarkable fund-raising effort for Tree Aid by James Ogilvie, a former President of the Institute of Chartered Foresters. He climbed Everest - and returned! Take a look at his Everest website to donate to Tree Aid which invests in projects that directly and indirectly increase the number of trees and woodland in the world.